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Du 16 au 26 août 2018, du jeudi au dimanche

Synopsis en anglais

With Sapientia, Scapegoat Carnivale Theatre explores object theatre. Sometimes referred to as object puppetry, object theatre uses found everyday objects instead of puppets specifically designed for the narrative.

Hroswitha of Gandershiem is considered the first female playwright in history, and one of the few who wrote about life from a woman’s perspective during the early Middle Ages. Sapientia (wisdom) deals with the martyrdom of three allegorical virgins who willingly face death under the command of the Roman Emperor Hadrian and are slain in the encouraging presence of their mother—Sapientia. 

In an industrial kitchen, an espresso maker faces-off with a vanity mirror and her tea cup children in a religious clash between Roman Polytheism and Christianity. Sapientia is a playfully surreal retelling of a medieval tale featuring lurid onstage violence between objects and food.

There is a trigger warning for the whole piece… religious extremism, violence; proto-feminist Christian martyrdom done with a comedic grotesqueness. Not for the faint of heart, nor for children.

Texte du 10e siècle écrit par Hroswitha de Gandershiem
Adaptation de Joseph Shragge à partir de la traduction de Lynn Kozak
Mise en scène Mia van Leeuwen
Avec Alison Darcy, Robert Leveroos, Alexandra Petrachuk, Evan Stepanian et Paul Van Dyck

Crédits supplémentaires et autres informations

Du mardi au samedi 20h, dimanches 15h
Pas de représentation du mardi 13 au vendredi 16 novembre inclusivement

Sera présenté à Québec le 28 janvier 2019, 20h

Tarif : $20, $15 étudiant, aîné, artiste

Production Scapegoat Carnivale Theatre


MainLine Theatre
3997, boul. St-Laurent
Billetterie : 514-849-3378 - en ligne
