Mon(Theatre), votre site de théâtre
3 novembre 2013, 10h30
Représentations scolaires du 31 octobre au 8 novembre 2013
Dreaming NowDreaming Now
For Young Audiences 7-12 years old
Devised by Michel Lefebvre and Guillaume Lévesque
Directed by Michel Lefebvre
Starring Jeremy Segal

In a world where we are subjected to constant digital overload, a boy dreams. In his unconscious world, the images are pixelated and fractalized. His sleeping state is an interface where reality and technology merge. If a person has digital dreams, is this a new kind of human? Dreaming Now uses new media and interactive technologies to explore a world where we are all connected.

Sound Design by Guillaume Lévesque
Lighting Design by Renaud Pettigrew

Billets: 11,50$ enfants / 17,50$ âge d'or / 23,50$ adultes

A Youtheatre production, in association with the Segal Centre

Studio du Théâtre Segal
5170 Cote St. Catherine Rd
Billetterie - Box Office: 514-739-7944

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Dates antérieures

Du 19 au 23 novembre 2012, Segal (création)

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